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About self-esteem and self-centred existence

Eine Wand mit der Aufschrift Wand

Our thinking is not designed by nature not to think. It demands constant occupation without us being able to do anything about it. Have you ever tried to say to yourself: "Now I'm just not going to think for a few minutes! I want some peace and quiet."

And did it work?

Unfortunately, our means of directing our thinking are also very limited. We have relatively poor tools for thinking in clear lines without interruptions.

As a result, we are constantly and chaotically preoccupied with things and thought worlds that we pretend we have consciously thought up. Ultimately, however, our head just wants to be busy. It can't bear to be ignored, if at all. This means that many, if perhaps not all (or perhaps not all?) things we want, desires, goals we pursue, being in love and the like, follow simple patterns that our head can hardly understand.

Why do we fall in love, why do we have to die?

"Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going?"

These are probably the basic questions that drive everyone, even if you don't think about them. From this arises fear, dissatisfaction, the will to commit ourselves, to deal with others/others and not with ourselves.

The most difficult task, to the point of pointlessness, is to reflect on ourselves. We only want to and, above all, can only do this to a certain extent, as we don't really understand much at first. Neither ourselves and certainly not others or the other.

So we deal with things, other people, our drives, ideas, our tendencies.
Completely dependent on our thoughts and feelings, which we do NOT produce ourselves.

I repeat myself: "Have you ever tried to simply switch it off?"
We don't even want to understand them.
It could make them superfluous.
Questioning our ego.

Our superego is rendered ad absurdum by this, because it is uncontrollable, clinging, strongly biological, chaotic. The same applies to our ego, our direct thoughts, feelings and tendencies. Is this even separable?

Ultimately, we need all concepts and constructs to suggest a non-existent security. These are the opinions from which wars are made. In the private, as in the worldly.

Everyone has his/her own rights.
That is indeed the case.
Because no one is more right than anyone else from a mutiple point of view.
That is perhaps why there is no escalation form of "being right".

These (thought) concepts and constructs are actually important in order not to go crazy. It is about occupation, distraction and suggested security, no matter how wrong, unmanageable, unconscious, moral or reprehensible. This does not explain, relativise or justify anything, as we do have a few tools to break through these worlds of thoughts and feelings in order to achieve more calm and uncertainty. Unfortunately, this is a very difficult path that hardly anyone is prepared to take or hardly anyone even sees or recognises the option.

It is even questionable whether it makes sense at all.

So we prefer to get upset, argue, hate, love, talk nonsense or content, distract ourselves. We wage wars because we think we are in the right, occupy ourselves with God, Buddhism, buying shoes, hating our neighbours because we have nothing to do by nature apart from getting food and a place to sleep.

The more time we have (and we have a lot of it in our society), the more constructs we need to believe we are fulfilled.

We would probably do all this if we endeavoured to be more calm and equanimous.